We offer the foundational competencies and mindsets that make good performers into great performers!

Whether you’re in leadership, management, sales, customer service, or you’re in supply chain management, or key accounts; whether you’re an Executive, CEO, division head or a Board member, every skill you have is enhanced and its effectiveness multiplied if you also have and use the core competencies of Social Style Versatility, Mental Toughness & Resilience and, especially in our global village, the skills of Cultural Awareness & Adaptability.

We offer the world’s most effective development programmes:

Social Styles Versatility

Carl Jung predicted it , and numerous independent, longitudinal studies have proven that people who have developed the skill of Social Styles Versatility consistently outperform those who have not. This applies to any activity that involves communicating with other people, individually or in groups, and is especially true for those engaged in leadership or sales. 

We bring to New Zealand the world’s leading programmes for the development of Social Styles Versatility.  With a blended, developmental approach to learning, any Growing Organisations programme which includes either “Building Relationship Versatility“, or “The Versatile Salesperson” is sure to enhance the performance of your company.

Learned Optimism

Professor Martin Seligman is considered one of the ten most important psychologists in the history of psychology. He came to prominence in the scientific community for his development of the Learned Helplessness Theory explaining the causes of depression and how to develop psychological immunity to those causes.  Science has proven conclusively that optimism can be learned, and that mentally resilient people handle the ups and downs of everyday business with confidence and they consistently outperform pessimists.

As the NZ agents for the Seligman Attributional Styles Questionnaire, and Foresight’s Mental Toughness & Resilience programmes built on Seligman’s principles of learned optimism, we specialise in applying this body of science where people find themselves challenged by adversity or stress.  

Cultural Awareness & Adaptability

If you’re involved in international business you already know some of the challenges of communicating meaningfully with people of other cultures, and it’s not just a language barrier. Numerous researchers have identified the cultural dimensions that cause these challenges and, as a result of its own studies, Wilson Learning has identified the eight dimensions which have the greatest impact on business dealings.

We deliver the powerful Global Effectiveness Programme which will enable your business leaders and representatives to more effectively trade with, communicate with, and partner with colleagues, customers, suppliers and authority figures of cultures different from their own. These may be members of your multi-cultural team in NZ who need to relate better with each other through deeper understanding and cultural versatility. It may be your international marketers and export managers, or your CEO and Executive Team.


New! Communication Technology Company Increased Performance Through Global Effectiveness Skills

Business Issue:

With clients and operations all around the world, this global communication technology company found many of their employees lacked the skills necessary to work successfully on global projects. In order to achieve greater collaboration and break cultural barriers, the initiative needed to be strategically aimed at building a strong global skill set.


To build the skills necessary for stronger cross-cultural relationships, the client implemented a Wilson Learning Global Effectiveness Programme for a group of high potential employees. This programme provided participants with the global skills and best practices to increase global productivity. A twelve week reinforcement system was wrapped around it to provide participants with opportunities to use the skills they learned, as well as provide their managers with the coaching tools to reinforce the new skills.


The client found that the initiative transformed their employees—equipping them to work more effectively across cultures. 100% of participants reported that the programme made them more effective at work, resulting in greater efficiencies and cost savings for the organisation. One participant stated “I use it with several global projects that I support weekly on developing project plans.

Global Air Fleet Operator 

Improves Operating Efficiency by 56%

Business Issue:

Management of a global air fleet operator understood that in order to achieve their continuous improvement goal, they needed to clearly communicate their change vision to the workforce. Managers and workers would also need to embrace new behaviors and interaction skills that would eliminate tension, promote interdepartmental cooperation, streamline maintenance processes, and get aircraft back into service faster.


To prepare managers and the workforce to lead and support the implementation change effort, Wilson Learning implemented a series of enterprise-wide workshops on interpersonal and negotiation skills. These workshops involved four different maintenance and air operations departments. Cross-departmental workshops helped develop cross-functional knowledge and broaden resource availability. To increase buy-in, top management kicked off each workshop to convey urgency and leadership’s trust in the training initiatives.


As a result, operating efficiencies improved by 56%. Furthermore, employees’ use of these new behaviors and skills improved their ability to more quickly check, repair, and return aircraft to active service, in turn helping the company avoid the need to acquire additional aircraft.


Client story…

Business Issue:

Business leaders are exposed to adversity more than others. This manager tended to allow bad news to knock her and she found it difficult to restore a positive perspective. For at least a while, he would be operating at a sub-par level and this impacted her team members, infecting them with negativity, and in turn reduced the performance of the whole organisation.


The company provided our Mental Toughness & Resilience Programme from time to time and this manager participated. Here’s how it impacted her…

The Result:

Literally the next morning after the course I got some really nasty news. Applying learned optimism I was able to manage my reaction to the situation and actually begin to deal with it right away. I know that if it had happened a few days earlier I would have been so devastated it would have dwarfed everything else and taken over my life. The problem is still ongoing but I’m mostly managing to keep it in perspective, so thank you very much indeed for teaching me these skills – I knew they would be helpful, but I had no idea just how much!”
Kate, Wellington.


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