We Improve Leadership Performance.


Are you business leaders just managing the business or are they growing the business? Are they one dimensional, even two dimensional, or are they world class four dimensional leaders?

Today’s best leaders are in fact excellent in four dimensions: 

  1. Modifying their own behaviour to meet the concerns and expectations of their people, while
  2. Managing the details of business process and goal achievement, while
  3. Leading a team to alignment and the self-belief that creates high performance , and peak performance when called for, and 
  4. Coaching individual team members to consistent high performance with fulfillment.

A four dimensional business leader is a Versatile-Leader-Manager-Coach, or “VLMC”.

Contact us today to find out more about how we can lift the performance of your company by developing true VLMCs across the business.

Or read more about how we …

Increase Sales Performance and Results.

Create sustained performance improvement through effective learning transfer.


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Client story:
“My leading style was previously to do everything for my team which I thought would make them happy, but instead they were unhappy and I was exhausted. I couldn’t figure out how to change it without trying to be someone I wasn’t. The tools and insights in GOL’s  The Leader Manager programme allowed me to create two-way dialogue with my staff and transform the behaviours and productivity of my department.”
– Michelle, Auckland.








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