Imagine if all your team members were thoroughly informed and fully resourced to do their jobs, totally competent to get on with their work without needing you, and highly motivated to go after their goals working together with their colleagues. What would that look and feel like to you?
As a manager you carry the responsibility for the completion of certain projects or achievement of team goals as well as the high quality of your team’s work and the efficient use of resources allocated to your team. But many managers forget that they have a team to work with and they try to do too much themselves. If your team are not capable enough to take on the work or responsibilities, develop them so they can do the work better than you can.
When performance Coaching and Mentoring are part of the cultural dynamic of your company, you will reap the rewards with higher employee retention, engagement, and productivity, as well as better business results.
Coaching and mentoring encourage:
- Openness and collaboration instead of control
- Self-sufficiency and empowerment
- Talking less and listening more
- Demanding less and asking more
- Giving feedback without judgement
- An atmosphere of trust and honesty